Hello Tripawds!

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Hi! I’m Eve and I’m a Golden Retriever mix (although I look like I might have some pitty in me!).


I used to live in West Virginia, where I had the run of the land (okay, okay, I was a stray). I found my way into a shelter and from there was pulled by Mostly Muttz Rescue in Pennsylvania!  When I got there and had my check-up with my vet who found out that I had a bad foot. 🙁  When I was younger I was hit by a car and my foot got broken and didn’t heal well. It got all yucky and infected. When I got to MMR, my vet decided it would be best to amputate my leg instead of living with the pain and pressure that goes with fusing together bones.  He also decided that it would be best to wait on the surgery because (SURPRISE!!!) I was also super duper pregnant!

I gave birth on Super Bowl Sunday to a litter of healthy puppies.  Seven weeks went by and I was a great mama! My puppies and I got posted for adoption and we all found homes! I’m going home to live with my mom and dad next weekend! I’m super excited!

My surgery (and spay) will happen in a few weeks after I’m adjusted to my new house and family.  I’m a little nervous, but I know it’ll all go fantastic and I’ll be up and running soon!  I’ll be sure to keep you updated on my progress!

My parents and I are really looking forward to making some new friends here at Tripawds! We hope to get to know lots of other Tripawds and hear all of the stories and advice that go along with living life on three legs!

Talk to you all soon!


Author: littlemisseve

I'm Kristin and my furbaby is Eve, a retriever/terrier mix rescue with a big heart, floppy ears, and the cutest hop you've ever seen! We live near Philadelphia, PA!

5 thoughts on “Hello Tripawds!”

  1. Bless you for adopting this little beauty! Looking forward to hearing all about her new adventures in her new home.

  2. Welcome Eve. You are a cutie. 🙂 Bless you for adopting her. We can’t wait to hear about your adventures 🙂

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  3. Welcome to the family Eve and humans!! You are absolutely just about THE cutest thing ever!!! Cannot wait to see more photos of you! We love CUTENESS around here!!

    You clearly have hit the puppy lottery with your new furever home. I’m sorry you are facing amputation, but it really is what’s best. We’ve seen far too often where all sorts of operations infections, etc. happened while trying to “save” a leg. Ultimately, amputation was necessary anyway. At least with amputation yoh are dealing with one operation that “cures” the problem and nothing else is required.

    You’ll find a ron of information on the site about how ro care for a tripawd, what ro expect during recovery and how to keep your three legger strong and fit.

    We are all right here by your side. We have a whole lot of firsthand experience with tripawds…a whole lot! Let us know how we can help, okay?

    Really looking forward to following Eve’s journey and all of her happiness in her new home!

    And yes, waiting before she goes through the surgery AND spay…very good idea! She really needs to get adjusted in her new home and develop a sense of security and confidence before dealing with all that surgery stuff. Eve is going to be sooooo happy without that painful leg!

    Can’t wait to see videos of his homecoming!!

    Sending lots of love!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  4. Eve you are so adorable I just want to smoosh your pretty snout!!!

    Thank DOG you found such a great pack to spend your life with. We will be here for you every step of the way as you begin your Tripawd journey. Something tells me you are a very determined girl, but let us know if we can help OK?

  5. Eve,
    You are such a cutie. You are a strong little one!!! Look at all you have been through. Your surgeries will be like “no big deal” on the grand scheme of things.

    My Tripawd Buddy and I will say lots of puppy prayers for you. Wishing you only the best. Remember that we are all here for you throughout your journey with your Parents. Keep us posted, ok??

    Julie and Buddy

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